innovative, embryo rescue, protoplast, somatic hybridization, transgenic, soma clonalAbstract
Plant tissue culture techniques have been created as a novel tool to support plant breeders in crop improvement perspectives as an enabling and developing technology. To improve the accessibility of currently available germplasm, generate new genetic variation for crop improvement, and accomplish goals that are not achievable through traditional breeding methods, these innovative tools can be used to either speed up or increase the efficiency of the breeding process. These include eliminating pathogens from planting materials, removing sexual incompatibility using an embryo rescue technique, producing haploids via anther culture, utilizing protoplast technology for somatic hybridization, utilizing gene transformation in transgenic technology, and, above all, inducing new genetic variability through somaclonal variation and the selection of desired agronomic traits. Therefore, the plant tissue culture method holds great promise for producing exceptional quality plants and selecting beneficial variants in highly productive genotypes that are well-adapted and have improved stress tolerance and disease resistance capacity.
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