Setaria viridis, leaf width, environmental places, heriditary, foxtail milletAbstract
Setaria viridis (L) Beauv, or green foxtail, is local to Eurasia and is the putative precursor of foxtail millet. Because of the beneficial hereditary qualities of S. viridis, as a species of C4 plant, it serves as a model. This study delves into the morphological characteristics and reproductive strategies of Setaria viridis, a notable grass species. A prescribed study was conducted to evaluate the morphological characteristics of Setaria viridis across three distinct environmental places. Findings demonstrated a significant and positive correlation among various traits, including height, dry weight of plants, fresh weight of plants, leaf area of plants, leaf length of plants, leaf width of plants, and root length of plants. Particularly noteworthy was the influential role of leaf width in determining plant height. Location one was identified as exceptionally conducive to the robust growth and development of Setaria viridis. In light of potential yield losses in crop plants, this study emphasizes the need for timely control or removal of Setaria viridis and underscores the importance of effective population management.
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