Chinese neem, proximate composition, elemental composition, health benefits, nutraceutical, food , feed, neemAbstract
The current study was carried out to evaluate the comparative nutritional and mineral composition of Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus globules, and Melia azedarach leaves, bark, and seed. The dried powder of these plant parts was analyzed for nutrition compositions such as moisture, ash, fat, fiber, protein, carbohydrate, and energy using standard methods. Sodium, potassium, and calcium were analyzed using Flame Photometer. While Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Chromium, and Magnesium were determined using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The proximate range in these plants are; moisture (4±0.2- 15.0±0%), ash (9±00-4±00%), Fats (17±00- 0.5±00%), Fiber (15±00-7±00%), Protein (8.73±00-2.0±00%), CHO (71.19±00-50±00%) and Energy Kcal/100g (379.5-285.5%). While the minerals composition (mg/Kg) range is; Sodium (1900±02-390±00), Potassium (2000±01-900±00), Manganese (36±01- 20±01), Zinc (120±02-1.5±01), Iron (120±00-9±00), Copper (3±00-0.1±00), Chromium (0.60±00-0.20±00), Magnesium (100±00-0.30±00), Calcium (2200±02-300±01), Phosphorus (1700±02-180±01). It can be inferred from the results of this study, that these plants' bark, seed, and leaves contain a significant number of nutrients and minerals that aid in their therapeutic capabilities and serve as good forage, therapeutic, and nutritional supplements for livestock. It can also aid its medicinal properties for human consumption.
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