genetic alteration, F1 hybrids, QTL, CRISPR/Cas9 site-directed mutagenesis, ddRAD sequencing, genotyping-by-sequencing, genomic selection, genetic modificationAbstract
Over the previous nearly 40 years, several different kinds of molecular markers techniques have been developed and successfully applied to breeding several important crops. Now that they have been reduced to a few favoured DNA-based marker types, the focus is on modifying the technologies to work with various crop plants and trees. This Special Issue features research and review papers that highlight the power of molecular breeding by combining genetic markers with other conventional breeding techniques to improve crop quality. The ongoing improvement and upkeep of quality through breeding is challenged by a changing climate and the use of molecular markers to enable the direct introgression of traits into elite breeding lines. Precise plant phenotyping in various environments and seasons is necessary for increased fertilizer efficiency, but this was previously costly. It is now less expensive thanks to genetic engineering, DNA sequencing, and PCR-based marker-assisted selection. New techniques like next-generation sequencing can target crop development that responds to climate change.
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