heritability, genetic advance, biomass, photosynthetic capacity, chickpeaAbstract
Pulses, a staple crop in underdeveloped countries, provide protein, dietary fibre, and minerals. Chickpea, a drought-resistant crop, is a significant vegetarian diet in South Asia, providing high-quality protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and trace elements. The University of Punjab Lahore's Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics studied genetic differences in chickpea traits. The research involved five genotypes and found significant genetic differences in leaf area, root length, root shoot length ratio, seedling biomass, leaf width, root length, and leaf area. The study suggests that selective breeding can enhance chickpea types through genetic selection. Five out of seven traits showed high broad-sense heritability estimates, suggesting a significant fraction of phenotypic variation attributed to genetic causes. The study also found that genotypes with longer leaves tend to have wider leaves, potentially influencing total leaf area and photosynthetic capability. Longer leaves may contribute to higher seedling biomass production due to increased light interception and resource acquisition. Longer roots also have higher RSLR values, suggesting effective resource allocation between aboveground and belowground plant components. The minimal association between LA and RL supports independent management of these traits, stressing the need for breeding programs to include both aspects for increasing photosynthetic capacity and root system efficiency.
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